Rooming House Two Story

At Rooming House Builders, we have developed and refined our rooming houses over a number of years to be as attractive to tenants and owners as possible.

We have worked within the regulations and guidelines to make our product as effective as possible to provide the best yields for our owners.

We understand the guidelines of each Council area and have tailored our product to provide the best rent returns while minimizing the build price.

We have worked closely with Council, town planners, and building certifiers to refine the most favorable parameters with which we can work. We have then developed our designs with architects and draftspeople to produce an aesthetic and functional layout for each of our designs.

Our estimators and building experts have established the most cost-effective and efficient way to build these homes.

We have taken further steps to ensure that our final product is as comfortable and attractive to tenants as possible. This has been a process of working with our preferred rooming house property managers to establish what most tenants seek in a micro-apartment.

Brisbane Rooming House

Some of the additional design and build elements that we take into account are as follows:

Sound Attenuation
Additional sound attenuation and acoustic minimization between each of our rooms. Our designs minimize noise transfer between rooms to make each apartment quieter. This involves both the design aspects and build and inclusion aspects.

Functional Layouts
We provide the most functional layouts within the guidelines to make our micro-apartments attractive to end users.

Self-contained Rooms
We have developed the optimal level of inclusions allowed within the Building Code of Australia guidelines to ensure that our rooms are as self-contained as possible.

Indoor and Outdoor functionality
We adapt our designs to provide the best indoor and outdoor areas for each room to ensure our tenants have the best amenity possible.

Designed for each block

While it is easy for builders to build their standard designs, we adapt and change our designs to cater to the individual blocks of land. This enables us to provide the best design to suit the block of land rather than just providing a standard home. Our customary design service allows the best outcome for the specific land circumstances, providing a better use and rent return.

Single Story Verses Two Story - Rooming House Designs

Two Story V Single Story Rooming House

A common question amongst new investors looking to build a rooming house is whether they should look at a two-story or single-story designs.

While we have been involved with many two-story and single-story builds, we generally advise opting for a single-story design where the block of land allows for it. I'll outline some of the key advantages that should be taken into your decision-making when looking at your rooming house designs.

Single Story Rooming House

Advantages of Single Story

  • Cheaper to build: Single-story designs of a similar size are cheaper than two-story designs.
  • Faster to build: Single-story designs are generally faster to build than two-stories, saving you additional time and money. 
  • Some blocks will allow each micro-apartment to have its own outdoor area, which is far more attractive to tenants and will generally get better rent than a balcony.
  • The backyards can be assigned to each micro-apartment, meaning there are fewer common areas to be taken care of. Each tenant can be responsible for their area, and you won't need to get a maintenance person in to take care of the backyard. 

Advantages of Two-Story

  • Smaller blocks: Two-story designs allow for rooming houses to be built on smaller blocks, and they can have a smaller footprint than a single story. In many cases, this will enable you to save money on the land component of your investment.
  • Additional Parking: By having a smaller footprint, you will often get additional parking, which is a significant advantage to tenants in terms of both rental attractiveness and rental amount. 

Rooming House Two Story

Should I build a single-story or two-story Rooming House?

The answer to this is pretty simple. If your block of land allows you to build a single-story rooming house design with adequate parking, then you should build a single-story. The cost savings and rental attractiveness will most often give you a superior yield. However, if your block of land is tight, and a single-story design becomes too small to allow for adequate space in each micro-apartment, then you're best to go two-story.


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